Fleur de Lis

Starting a quilt in February of 2019. The pattern is called Fleur de Lis and is an in the hoop quilt designed by Hoopsisters. The pattern is only available thru local quilt shops who are dealer partners. The pattern is delivered and available thru the local shops for 2 years before it is released as an open pattern.

This process is fabulous! It does frustrate some individuals who do not have a local quilt shop (LQS) participating. However, the past patterns have been released and this helps the locals, Hoopsisters and the quilters. By using this strategy new quilters are gained and the art is growing.

My local quilt shop is The Sewing Basket in Plymouth, WI. A “big shop in a small town!”

I have joined the group creating and working on Feur de Lis. We will work on it from February thru June.

My journey began on February 1, 2019 with a 2 hour demo and discussion session with the mentor (Elayne) and other participants. This was the intro and how to set up and organize. How to read the pattern. The steps that need to be in place to start. The challenge of making those decisions and choosing the fabrics.

Another 2 hours and I had my fabrics and a plan for moving forward.

The quilt top fabrics:

Quilt Top Fabrics

The backing fabrics:

Backing fabrics

My choices were a 6 inch block quilt with added borders and a pieced backside.

It will finish to approximately 73×73 inches.

We receive files for the in the hoop along with directions each month. This first month will be the creation of 12 blocks. As I am doing the pieced back and the optional borders, I have a few more tasks to complete.

First is getting the fabric ready. The fabric is pre-washed and ironed to make it ready to use. This was about a 5 hour task between washer and iron.

Creating the organization strategies and documentation begin – they will evolve with the project.

Materials Dcoumentation

Next was cutting the material for the first 12 blocks. Also cutting of the backing to create half square triangles – and then making them. Last was cutting the remainder of the backing pieces for the optional border. Time on these tasks were about 7 hours.

Backing and Borders cut

Half Square Triangles Back

Half Square Triangles - Back

Next is cutting the battilizer and begin stitching the first 12 blocks and then the some border blocks.

Month 1 Blocks

Our next gathering and demo (with an optional stay and sew) is March 1. I should have the blocks and border sections done by then. each block is approximately an hour to 90 minutes from start to finish.

Looking forward to this journey! Not sure I can wait 5 months -but that is the plan.




