Who’s in dem dar hills?

The burg saloon will be busy on Saturday nights for the next 3 months. Grab a glass and sit awhile.

New hands are arriving from the East with head scout @phb256 Paul Bond from UMW. They are getting their connects set up and starting to ride in. These pups are earning their keep and will be workin sun up to sun set and then some to earn their actual.

The Open range folks are circling with head scout @cogdog who is bringing along a later arrival from the south (Mexico) in February. Cowpokes in this bunkhouse tend to work smarter and not always harder while balancing with other ranch and range responsibilities. Extended cattle drives often have them absent for a spell, but they come back with all sorts of new fangled thangs to share.

Wild Toady

There is also a gang up in the hills that is lookin’ fer trouble in #western106. Not sure what they are going to be doing.

Wild Toady is gathering the gang – 106 Outlaws. He’s got a lot of history in wranglin in these ds106 parts.




Charlene of the Hills

Charlene of Hills showed up. A strong woman who has mentored many a lady and is here to make sure once and for all everyone hears of the strong and brave women of the western front.


She also shared the info of the daily Internet Kid comic strip for a daily funny and thought provoker posted to Twitter by @dogtrax

Dixie Hawkins – Queen of BuncoRanch106

Dixie Hawkins has her BuncoRanch106 running smoother than molasses and is lookin for some fun.

Expected on one of the next stages is @iamTalkyTina. A true friend.

The Lawman Shaw is Upholdin’ the Law where the Law needs upholdin’.

And the UnderTaker is ready for any business that may come his way.

Looking forward to meeting the others as they roll on into the bunkhouse or at the saloon for a drink and jawin.

This open range work can get exhausting – so looking to pitch the fork and turn the hay to keep things going if I can help – but also at a pace of balance in life as well.

Out on the ranch you can plan all you want-  but a change in the wind and skies, or  a train or stage robbed, can throw all those plans out to shrivel up in the desert. So remembering to relax with the flow of the current and paddle harder when needed to make sure the gang doesn’t go over the edge to the big jump from too much playin is on the docket.

Most of all – do what I can when I can but don’t go riding off into the sunset with hat over my eyes. Thar’s plenty of open web to keep everyone running at whatever pace keeps a bounce in thar giddy up. It will all be daisy.

Lots of stories to be made, seen, and heard ahead.  Yee Haw!


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