Challenge from Ben Rimes

I saw a post in Twitter today about a possible assignment for the #ds106 assignment bank.

Looking at the sample it was point on.  A great assignment for design and working on Photoshop or GIMP skills. The sample is part of an Adobe Education Lesson. (you need to set up yourself as a member to get access to – free to join)

I had some time so decided to take the challenge from @mdvfunes (Mariana Funes) and @techsavvyed (Ben Rimes). I also totally agree with Ben in completing something myself before asking others to do similar tasks. Which is probably why I felt so compelled to complete this after opening my beak and suggesting he submit it to the assignment bank. I hope he does try it as well – I would love to see what he comes up with creates.

Originally a lesson for middle and high school students the instructions require a size of canvas and other parameters. There is also a pre-established list of movie combinations to choose from, most likely to keep students working in a lab situation over a week. A classroom situation is not always the best for creating. 50 minutes at a crack of starting up and shutting down. Someday classrooms will change. I think students in a week-long unit an hour at a time have an added burden in creating. Just think of what they might do if allowed to follow their own creative clock! Okay – back to the work….

I decided to use Roman Holiday and National Lampoon’s Vacation as my Movie Mates.

Finding various posters and images for each movie I settled on about 3 from each that had pretty good graphics to start. I used the BluRay cover for Vacation as it was more to the style of the Roman Holiday posters and a better match for combining. Next was pulling out the objects that I thought I could use in a new rendition of a meld. Each object was cut, blended, shaped, saved and copied to a working canvas. I did most of it by sight and sense using layers for each object, text block and the background.

I found a shared template for movie poster credits that helped with creating the text style for the credits.  As I was looking for some advice on creating the credits box I found a great WIKI on graphic design that includes a section on movie posters. I probably should have reviewed this first – but now have it bookmarked for a next creation.

I have two versions of the poster. Still not totally happy with the layout. BUT – I am going to put this one to rest at this point and move on to adapting the task to creating a movie poster for the Burgeron Family Summer Trailer gathering this summer. My thought is to combine Bernie Burgeron (my character) with some of the others in the family and their stories from last summer leading to the Fairytale festival this year. We will see if this comes together or not…..

Thanks for the challenge Ben and Mariana – it was a fun few hours. I’d rate this assignment as 3 stars – maybe 4 if there was more tied to a genre or character.

Roman Holiday Vacation

Movie Poster Meld v2

The assignment is available in the bank here.

Pulp-o-mizer DS106 Daily Create

If the Daily Create was a magazine…..

Pulp-O-Mizer_Cover_Image (2)

What would a pulp DS106 magazine look like?
Design it! Use any application you want but there is an easy online generator called Pulp-o-mizer.

Not much of a sci-fi or space aficionado, but did like playing with the Pulp-o-mizer app.

During the lull of facilitated ds106 courses and open course – well, being open course and all over the place – or no place at all, Daily creates are a way to keep creating and to spurn the seeds for larger creations.

The idea of a magazine cover as part of a story is interesting. The pulp-o-mizer has it a certain genre to it, but the examples of how typography, photos, background, multiple text areas of emphasis can play into design is helpful and something to practice for future creations.

Thanks to @RonaldL for sharing his passion for this app and how it can get those daily creative juices flowing.

See a Face in a Car!

Daily Create 1211

Car has its own Face!

Draw or edit a face on a car photo. The car photo can be taken by you or from the Internet.

Car with face

This one was fun – so many cars that have faces it is hard to choose.

Photoshop brush….


Absence = Hearts Fonder?

Daily Create 1210

Absence Art Poster

In the framework of his series, “ArrĂȘte ton cinĂ©ma”, French artistic director Madani Bendjellal has revisited the posters of iconic films by retouching and deleting the original titles of them. They’re iconic film posters with branding and characters removed. Do a creative edit with a favourite film poster.

This is my final submission. I took Age of Adaline poster and used blend, blur, smudge and cut to create an abstract picture that I liked.

The first iteration – I thought the eyes staying present would be good. But after seeing it – seemed too cat like and creepy so I went back in and continued to create.

Seems this is much like editing a written work. Sometimes it is easier and the outcome greater when you have some substance to start with instead of starting from scratch.
I used Photoshop (still have the program from a earlier life)


Daily create

What did you catch?

Been a little absent in the daily creates….here is tdc1209

What Did @cogdog Catch While Fishing in the Grand Canyon?

How did these get here from Reno?

As President of the #DS106 Athletic Club Angling Squad, @CogDog recently cast his skills on the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. This photo by Todd Conaway appears to not be precise (something to do with it being an Android phone), edit it to show what kind of interesting item he fished from the river.

i Used the Todd Conaway photo and a photo from Alan Levine aka @cogdog from his trip back home through Reno.



