Some Daily’s

Been very lax! But do want to get these in the blog….2017 will be better in keeping up with posting and processes – really!

TP Tube Selfie… tdc#1809  

If I had a debut album cover....

Create a superhero…


Do an analog 3D drawing of your hand.

3d analog drawing

First Album cover if I was a musician.


dailycreate #1665




Dailys – Getting in the Groove

The daily create may be enough for this summer – maybe it will grow into some projects with others. And there is the summer sessions at UMW to follow and interact with as well.

So I am trying to stay in the groove and make sure I do at least 3 daily creates each week. I think that was also my New Year resolution, but I never hold myself to those anyways since they are usually announced with the partying of NY Eve. 🙂

I am sure I will be doing some video and family story projects this summer. The plus of doing ds106 as well is learning new things to apply to creating those family stories. I have the site up and have added for birthdays etc. My original plan was to do the history – parents, grandparents etc. Much of that is lost and only in artifacts that I have to go over. While very interesting, that history is short-lived with my own kids. Once they get the 100,000 foot view that is enough. I finally figured out it is personal memories and connections that make one want more detail.

Foe example – I found a cassette tape of my sister and grandma having a conversation. It was a school project it sounds like. I remember very well my grandma’s laugh and that was good to hear even with the old tape and lots of noise. The part that didn’t register was her voice. I didn’t remember it the way I was hearing it. Now I am not sure if that is good or bad. But the laugh was very good to hear.

As Alan Levine aka – @cogdog – posted in his blog – capturing memories while we can  is what to do. I missed getting my own parents. A few snips on some old video, but not much. But those 5 seconds here and there is gold to me and bring back so many memories in my mind.

So the direction I am now taking is capturing the memories we are making and not reporting the history. Those who are present now will have them to recall and relive moments and share with their immediate others as they grow older. I guess you could say it is capturing the present as it becomes history not an archival dig. There will be some looking back further, but more likely in the overview and 100,000 foot point of view to add context to today.

What does that have to do with daily creates? Well, each time I do one it improves my skills, makes me think of things differently, reminds me of someone or something. It also shows me how others looked at the prompt and what they created. When doing that I see my content in new ways to present, save, capture and enjoy.

So here are this week’s – and I hope to keep up the pace.

TDC 1592A stretch for sure – writing!



TDC 1593 – Hoping for some summer collaborations!


TDC1595 = The Socks story that just won’t quit!


TDC 1596 – I found some footage of this flying squirrel. I was actually thinking Rocky from Rocky and Bullwinkle, but liked this one instead. It was kinda scary as the 31 second video was political and has the squirrel flying into the twin towers as a terrorist. The dialog was not in English either – so not sure what it was saying. Hoping using it for a positive spin is better. I used the YouTube GIF plugin – deleted frames to make the file size smaller and added the text layer.

COW! TDC1520

Ever since the movie Twister – a family shout out is COW! – with a little twang and drawl added in. I don’t think we ever saw the full movie. And here it is 20 years later and we still say COW! ANOTHER COW! when we see one while on the road. Here is the 20 second clip.

So the Daily Create 1520 was Create a Cow GIF and all that kept going thru my mind was COW! Another COW!

Cows dancing, spinning, dreaming, all sorts of cows….here’s my COW Gif – keeping to the 20 minute limit on this one so not as smooth or detailed as a finished gif….

I found the California Happy Cow commercials on YouTube. Used the GifIt plugin and captured a cow mooing – exported the GIF and then imported it into Photoshop. Got rid of the twitchy frames and added a tween on the end. Added the text to go across all the frames – Done!

Here it is:

And then – a little out of practice of doing dailys – I put the wrong #number! So it landed in an ice cream prompt. Well – Cows make milk and cream that is needed for ice cream – so it could fit. 🙂



A Daily that got personal

When Pigs Fly

Totems: Daily Create #1518

A totem (Ojibwe dodaem) is a spirit being, sacred object, or symbol that serves as an emblem of a group of people, such as a family, clan, lineage, or tribe.

Sometimes no matter how consumed you are in other creating projects or life – a daily create just screams “do it”. I find the daily creates spark in stretching by doing and going outside of something I wasn’t really thinking of and in some, hitting a note of reflection or memory that drives to making a creation.

Todays daily, #1518 was one of those memory reflection prompts. Seeing others posts and the personal statements attached to otherwise unnoticed objects reminded me of my own. Sure did take me to some very great memory moments and the more I thought, the more I realized all the threads and connects of this one tiny object.

I carry my flying pig charm in my wallet. It goes with me where ever I am.

The charm was a gift from the love of my life. About 1995 he had become interested in Harley Davidson motorcycles and riding. I joined his interest and we took the motorcycle safety course and got our cycle licenses. We started with one bike and within a year we each had our own. Part of the Harley culture is pigs – or more appropriately HOGS. About this same time he was launching a business of his own in software development consulting. Dreams and plans were more than abundant. It was a challenging and stressful time – but also an exciting time of our life. We spent many an evening on the patio with drink in hand building the dreams of our future for family, home, and work.

As a Christmas gift to each family member, he gave us the charm and then read the poem to us. A reminder for us all to keep and never stop dreaming.

When Pigs Fly
By Sandra Boynton

I know you for a dreamer
Cause I’ve been a dreamer too
You got that faraway look in your searching eyes
And a heart that’s steady and true
I think I know what you’re looking for
In the endless blue of the sky
You wait for the time when pigs fly

Get out here somebody tell you that dreams are nothing but air
Did I hear somebody try to say
That imagination will take you nowhere
If anyone says it can’t be done
As the time just simply reply
It’s a beautiful thing when pigs fly

You never know and it will be
But they’ll surely come around
Flashes of pink and flashes of gold
And a distant and joyful sound when pigs fly

I know for a dreamer, cause I’ve been a dreamer too
You got that faraway look in your searching eyes
And a heart that’s steady and true
Are we suddenly seeing a dozen or more
Sailing in the clear blue sky?
The time has come when pigs fly
Yeah, it’s a beautiful thing when pigs fly

After that gift to us all, the flying pig became one of the themes of collecting for him and for the rest of us to find as gifts to him. Flying pigs pop up in many places of our home in different ways. We have a collection of flying pigs that hang out in our morning room, yard ornaments, containers, artwork, and more. Hopefully I have been able to keep all these around tastefully in different places. I don’t think our home looks like a flying pig farm! Maybe someone who visits will be kind enough to comment as to whether we have gone too far or remain obsessed yet tastefully creative in our inclusion and presentation.

But – the little charm started it all. While I know I always have it with me, as time has gone on I don’t always think of it. The prompt today reminded me to take the time to remember. And what I am now remembering is the connects this little pig has given me. First, it gave me an insight to my husbands thoughts during a certain time of his life. He is not one who can easily share his deepest thoughts – but is a very deep and complex thinker.

The flying pig has been a thread for more than 20 years now. I see my girls find them for their dad and enjoy his reactions when they give him a new object. For all in the family – his sister, my sister and niece, even myself – the flying pig is a way we connect with him and show our love and happiness that he is a part of our lives.

In writing this post and finding the poem again, I discovered it was written by Sandra Boynton – a children’s writer. We are awaiting the arrival of our first grandchild in April. For the holidays this year I started the building of the library for Baby V. (we won’t know who they are until they arrive!) and several of the books were by Sandra Boynton. So now our new little angel is already connected to the Flying Pig!

The flying pig and the poem also connect me with others. You can read how here via a picture and blog post by Kate Ter Haar.

The following photo is from @katerhaar
Photo by Kate Ter Haar :

The time has come when pigs fly Yeah, it's a beautiful thing when pigs fly

Take a look at Kate’s blog. Her wit and creativity of combining words with photos in her posts is worth the time ten fold. A great pleasure to view and read. She is a true digital storyteller. Kate and I connected in 2009 thru the 365 Photo group which has grown now to over 1700 members in 2016. It was about 200 in 2009. Many of those who started in 2008 with the group are still active posters. I need to get into the posting habit again, but it is still one of my favorite places for picture viewing.

And yet another great memory and connect of the flying pig – my parents. My mom was one to love a theme and use it as a connect. My dad – always a one to do so as well. In taking the picture for the daily create I placed the charm on a cheese box I had found about a year ago for Dixie cheese. My mom’s name was Dixie and she loved cheese – another family tradition and joke -“never enough cheese”!

Today’s daily create was one of those personal connections. It also is a reminder to self that creating daily is important. Some days it will be for skill building, some for stretching outside my box, and some for the joy and reflection or remembering past creates and connects and how experiences and creating enrich and make us the complex and interesting people we all are in life.

May you too see the day that pigs fly.


Gif for Mariana

While I have been busy with other life things – I still keep a finger on the pulse of #ds106. Mariana Funes had a birthday this week. The ds106 Shrink on the couch gives abundantly of her time, support and attention to all those in who travel #ds106. The #tdc1499 daily create was to honor her birthday with a gif.

I chose a dog and also changing the color span. Mariana is a whiz at creating artsy minimal gifs and a dog lover.

I love the outcome and now that I have done a low color GIF may have found a new obsession.

I have also now adapted the GIF without the birthday wishes for use.
