Today’s Daily Create 1522 was to make a sign for your randomly generated ranch name. I clicked the generator and up came Flying Pig Estate. It was meant to be! For flying pig background look at my TDC1519.
This turned out to be more of a poster than a sign. Sign to me would be either in metal or wood somehow – but for a daily in 20 minutes – a poster is the route.
I Googled licensed for reuse flying pigs and found a rather more rat looking one with wings that was called fantasy. I took it into Photoshop and cut out the scary rat pig and then found a more piggy pig in black.
Increased the canvas size, joined the wings and the pig and then added a layer of background. From there I played with the filters using Difference Clouds. Not sure how the colors change – I will have to explore that more. First time I got cotton candy blue and while a nice contrast – didn’t strike me. Randomly I got a similar color to the wings that changed. Added difference clouds to both the background and pig. I also added a lens flare behind the pig for lighting effect.
Fonts. It is all about Fonts. Not sure I hit it – but seemed it needed a serif font. Settled on this one and then used the word art to arch around the icon.
I did end up with two versions but went with the cloud renders for the submission. And of course now have second thoughts….and also want to do more…but daily and time to move on….