Story Toaster – What Pops Up?

Daily Create #1583

This is a fun one – I missed it the last time it came up. And with trying to get back into daily creates- it was one to try.

Even though the traditional sections have wound down and summer is still in question about any organized activity the #ds106 community is active and keeps going #4life. It doesn’t need semesters or direction, it bubbles from individual self direction of connection and collaboration – and story building. Always taking an idea and building on it to give back to the original creator or group. I kinda think of it a Amish Friendship Bread – once you have the starter it keeps growing!!

Stories of socks and hedgehogs and the dailies are circulating. @NanaLou is on the way back to the trailer in Bovine and calling out to Sophos, Ron, and the other family to begin to plan for the Burgeron106  summer retreat. @mdvfunes post that has many talking and remembering it is about the story and freedom – not pre-determined checklists. So this daily seemed just right to continue to build upon the threads.

I decided to do a GIF – well, just because I like doing GIFs, and toast popping up seemed it had to move. I used the selfie, a sock, and a hedgehog as the burnt images. You NEVER know what story will pop up in ds106! And you just jump in and continue a thread. If some of the original creators saw something different – they will jump back in and try to re-define and build in a different direction – that is how it grows and gets better and finds new life.

I finally made a mask layer in PS!!! Not sure how the heck I did it – but I did and it worked!!! YEAH!! Now to see if I can do it again. All I did was go to Layer – Make Mask and it joined two layers that stayed in place and allowed the toast to pop up between. I still need to figure out what and how…. For the burnt images I used B&W and decreased opacity. For the sock and hedgehog I used a filter of charcoal and colored pencil and then B&W followed by diminishing opacity. I also choose the animated toaster on purpose – to remind me this is fun work and creative work. It is meaningful and has purpose and definitely takes serious commitment – but it is to feed the soul and create connections – not build walls or boundaries – keep smiling! Keep creating! Keep your mind open to others ideas. And if something is not for you – just let it go by and get on on the next bus – it comes around again with new tires and plenty of open seats.

and of course once you start a daily and it gets longer you have to quit – but even with stopping and calling it done – I now see how I would want a frame between of no toast between slices and some lines to clean up…..always something to tweak!

So keep using the ds106 toaster! Stories pop up just like that!


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