Messy Winter Wreck

Unit 4 Audio Assignment – Sound Effect Story

Back to Audacity after being away for a long while. I think if it was completely new I might catch on faster, but instead I ended up with former version shortcuts etc. needing unlearning. It was the simple things right in front of me. For the what seemed like eternity, I was staring at grayed out menu items and thinking I installed incorrectly. The help page, while detailed seemed like too much info to absorb, so I headed to for some tutorial help. DUH! I trapped in play mode so I couldn’t do anything. One click of that yellow button and I was finally on my way!

Using, I drifted into lots of listening and searching trying to think of a story to tell with sounds in 60-90 seconds. With the current winter weather and storms every other day lately the winter wreck was the way to go for this assignment.

I chose 11 different sounds for this creation to portray the winter storm, leaving the house and walking to the car, trying to start the car, out on the road and then the crash ending with the rolling hub cap. I layered sounds and not linear so that the car starting and crashing were background by the wind. Some fades and lots of cutting unwanted parts of clips. I had selected a female vocal that I originally laid into the background to give it a cinematic feel but it seemed too much and detracted for this assignment.

A better path would be to think of a story first then look for sounds. I chose sounds to spark ideas in this attempt which may have limited me to one idea too quickly.

Happy to be back and working with audio. Creating clips for layering with visuals will be exciting in the future units. Spending time on the parts before the really helps in tuning up how important each is in an effective final story.

So does anyone have solutions for headset hair?

Audio Assignment70 3.5 Stars

Tell a story using nothing but sound effects. There can be no verbal communication, only sound effects. Use at least five different sounds that you find online. The story can be no longer than 90 seconds.

Sound Files used from

  • 36831__csproductions__car-leave-3.wav
  • f50910__rutgermuller__in-car-driving.wav
  • 72914__jobe55__car-keys-and-start.mp3
  • 73199__snardin42__hubcap2.wav
  • 126042__mhtaylor67__getting-into-car-and-starting-it.wav
  • 131385__musicmasta1__carstartskidcrash.wav
  • 136629__smmassuda__crashing.wav
  • 262321__klankbeeld__fence-storm-hydrophones-150111-0498.flac
  • 262680__ylearkisto__henkiloauto-tyonnetaan-kayntiin-a-car-push-start-in-the-winter-footsteps-on-the-snow-car-rolling-motor-starts-steps-motor-stops-saab-900.wav
  • 262699__mamos2__walking-on-snow.wav
  • 262705__pfranzen__opening-a-heavy-door-and-bounding-in.ogg