Prisoner GIFFING – Number 6 Repository Adds

After a couple of days working on GIFs I have to admit – the ones from video clips come to me as storytelling and drawing out and explaining meaning or understanding from the work of others stories. Creating GIFs from scratch to add to one’s own story is different. They are both great and fun to create – but there are different GIFs for different stories and purposes. Great to be learning the difference and how to make them!Taking the GIFFING Challenge thrown out by Andrew Forgrave.

My submissions to the Prisoner repository – Assignment 1744

Fuzzy #6

Fuzzy # 6 without gas – after looking this seemed a better fit and still tells the story.

#6 Thinking

Have You Resigned yet?

You Will….

I used Mac Downloader and went to YouTube to capture the opening sequence of the Prisoner.

After scrubbing through the clip I selected In and Out points and then trim. This gave me my clips.

Saved as Image Sequence and exported out.

I went to Photoshop and used Scripts- Load as files

I added and cleaned up any images as needed.

Went to Timeline and then created frames from layers.

Played with timing of frames to get what I wanted.

Export>Save for Web (Legacy).

Number 6 was born in 1928! So in the first episode he was 40 years old. Today he would be 87!!! Wow!


4 thoughts on “Prisoner GIFFING – Number 6 Repository Adds”

  1. Nice one! Resident Artist! to go with your most awesome banner gif. I think you will have your Credit units wallet full this week. Interesting you load as files into stack…I will try that, gives you more control for frame selection, I guess but quite time consuming in manual selection? I used to do that with Gimp but in PS I import video frames to layers and select x frames per second and choose exact moment…will try your approach with one I am working on and cannot get ‘right’. Be Seeing You.

    • It may be half a dozen of one or the other. Loading as a stack from SteamClip they come in all at once in order – probably the same if I didn’t save as an image sequence and just imported the video. We will have to see if one is more memory file friendly in the end or not. When it is in create animation timeline I can easily delete the “freudian” frames or subliminal messages to smooth it out. It is all futzing isn’t it?

  2. Nice! As I was watching one of the episodes last night, I was thinking the part where he gets gassed and the buildings get all wonky would make a great gif. Glad you made one! Now I’m fired up to find some giffable moments to add to the repository!


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