Popular? What the heck?

So as I am getting back into posting and recording #4life transitions of creating…..

I fell into a Facebook group for HGTV Fixer Upper Fans. It has been a positive group and very active. All things decor with a strong lean towards Joanna Gaines style of home decorating. It has been a good fix over the winter months and an entertainment diversion as the state of the nation is in flux.

I have added posts, got into the energy of red trucks and tiered stands. Everyone wants white cabinet kitchens and gray walls- but lots of levels of design. Amazingly – with 300K members – a positive group that is supportive and helpful to others in choosing the right backsplash or how to hang curtains etc. Most of my posts did not draw much interaction – but enough to have a conversation or two. Until this last weekend.

I have been working on setting up our front entrance for curb appeal and to welcome guests. Its not my nature to be too generic and trendy – but also finding I am refining my style after many years. I also like a bargain -so trying to find the best for the best price.

I posted one section just to the side of the front entrance that I finished and within one day it had over 400 likes! HUH? It was the simplest thing I have done so far and touched the most in others. That either means it is too mainstream – or just a touch of mainstream with a twist that gets attention. Either way – the likes count etc. has never meant much to me – it doesn’t change what I do, why, or what I believe -but it did feel kinda nice to have the attention.

Ice Cream Carton!

and a little wider shot….

Ice Cream Carton!

the potted plants will fill in the spaces, along with a Gnome and fairy garden dish….

more to come…..

September 2017….

Front Yard Update Sept.

Some Daily’s

Been very lax! But do want to get these in the blog….2017 will be better in keeping up with posting and processes – really!

TP Tube Selfie… tdc#1809  

If I had a debut album cover....

Create a superhero…


Do an analog 3D drawing of your hand.

3d analog drawing

First Album cover if I was a musician.


dailycreate #1665





Well as luck has it – being stuck with my leg up in the air and being confined – along comes GIFITUP 2016 – so at least I have had some time feeling like something was getting done.

I haven’t been making a lot of GIFs the last few months  – but using the DPLA archives always is a treat in creating new art. It is quite amazing to view the submissions. Last year I submitted 3 and I did the same this year. I thought I would be farther along in my skills by this year- but …eh…not really. It does become a learning process. I learned new features in Photoshop and new tools to use. Community of ds106 provided feedback and by doing so pushed me to go back and do more tweaks.

I am not going to document the process of each one this time – another habit to come back too.

Here are my 3 submissions:







Hurry up and Wait Zone!

Seems I never published this so doing so now with an update:

Moving is a job!

We have spent the last 40 days in a whirlwind of seeing a home, making an offer, having an offer accepted, the finance dances, sorting, purging, donating, selling, and packing the current home, putting current home on market and scheduling all the dominoes.


It is four days to closing on the new home and 7 days to the movers showing up to haul all of our belongings to a place 65 miles away. These few days now my mind is churning away and so much to do – but it has to happen in sequence and much of it is not anything I can control – only be aware of it happening.

Our lives are in a twilight zone of not knowing where anything is and doing without. Normal routines are upset and new ones can’t be started.

One of the checklists I found says to make friend visits during this time and say good bye as well as make plans for reconnecting.

I have been a regular Zumba Gold participant 2x a week since August 2015. I only missed 2 classes during that time. I have nothing but complete adoration for my instructor. She is a natural for all age groups and tunes into her participants needs. She was kind enough to give me a list of instructors who might be good for me to connect with in our new location. She also was so sweet and gave me a gift. I love it!

I now have my official Zumba T-Shirt and a nice tote bag for my towel and water.

IMG_2314  IMG_2315


We did move and after a lot of efforts, a daughter’s wedding and other things, we are starting to feel settled. We still have our former residence to sell and hope some action picks up on that soon. A winter of having two homes is not the most pleasant thought.

When arriving in our new local – I did find a Zumba class. Not low impact and only once a week. The participants were great and I began to pick up some of the routines. Then on week 4 – pulled and strained ligaments in my knee and hamstring. I couldn’t even bear weight for 3 days. I had to drop out and was limited in activity. Then from favoring the right side of my body – twisted my back out – another few weeks of not being able to do anything. Now 6 weeks later – back to just older adult aches and really out of shape!

There are no more sessions until late January – so it is off to YouTube and finding some exercise videos and gaining the motivation again. I have kept weight the same within a couple of pounds – but inches have creeped back and well – let’s just say my muffin top is a little larger than it was and i don’t like it!

Much like maintaining a daily create habit -so goes exercise. We all know it is good for us and the right thing to do and many rewards – but it does take some hills to climb to get back into the routines.

We will see – hoping I can post in the future that things are back in the routine groove.


A month past – still here!

Wow – a month has passed without a post!

I am still here. I have been checking the Twittersphere when I can, viewing Flickr and Instagram, keeping up with family on FB. My art for the last 4 weeks has been in organizing moving and juggling a housing purchase while prepping the current house for listing!

We list on July 8 with an Open house on July 10. Hoping for a quick and clean sale!

Movers are coming in 15 days! So getting things packed, labeled and organized.

And – remembering why we are doing this – Landon! Squeezing in a day to go visit. Soon we will be close and we will be part of the day care team for 2 days of the week and as needed. 🙂

Looking forward to getting my office set up and back into a digital creating cycle again.

So far – it is still creating – just different ways.



My Little Guy!


