Print All Over me!

Daily Create #1352

I have been deep into creating content and organizing a family digital story lately, but check the daily create and jump in when I can. The words “print all over me” reminded me of an app I had downloaded. Found it in my list and re-activated it. Grabbed a pictrure from May when we were watching the Kentucky Derby and decided to put hats on (may have had something to do with the beverages!)

I created a ds106 word list and added it to the app, uploaded my picture and went from there. It’s a nice little app called WordFoto

Back to my other creations! But will be listening to the UMW student radio tweet along on ds106 radio.


Doodle – #tdc1348


Daily creates are just perfect to work on while waiting for video rendering!

Converting some footage for use in a family project and it has 25 minutes of conversion before I can import it into my editor. I recently joined a Zumba Gold class that meets 2x a week. The gold means – slowed down and low impact! A great hour 2x a week. The position of the doodle start reminded me of being in the class.

I used my Paper53 app on my iPad and a finger. Misplaced my stylus someplace! More lines would have been drawn if the stylus was around.

Zumba! Doodle
Zumba! Doodle

Daily Create #1347 – Make a new photo old.




Since it was a daily create I didn’t spend too much time on it. I switched it to B&W and then added some Sepia filter. I used the paint brush and a splatter pattern that took out pixels. I added dust and scratches – although those didn’t come out like I thought they would and not even sure they are there.

I then pulled it into and iPad app called Bazaart and added a vingette and played with some effects. I just deleted most of my photo apps on the iPad to make room for recording audio for a project. There are a few that would age and do this well – but didn’t want to find the apps at the moment.

I have taken old photos and tried to fix them up and look newer and an assignment for #Prisoner106 did need aging such as this for a book cover. Nice spurt of activity to try some things out and not worry about a full project. 🙂

With more time – the photo could still use some aging…..

DS106 and the Ed Administrator FairyTale – Flipbook Exploration

I am building Flipbooks of family stories and leaning the software and possible distributions. This is a learning exercise in posting the book in a WordPress site.

This example Flipbook is put together quickly from some other content, but gave me the chance to try the embed video and some other features. To build this the content is created and then saved as a pdf which is imported into Flipbuilder. After it is loaded, you are able to customize and arrange for your final outcome.

The stories I am working on will need to be accessible by family as easily as possible and an online version seems the path over creating hard media with instructions on loading etc. Some hints on how to use the links in the book might be needed. The advantage of having content in primary sources and not uploading files etc. is a consideration as well. With an online version I can update content on storage sites as long as the link in the book stays the same.

The options for publishing are:

  • Create a zip file and distribute. Takes time to load and depending on machine set ups may need some hoops to jump through. Instructions to find index.html etc and having a Chrome browser is necessary
  • Create HTML files – more technical directions
  • Upload to provider – paid for service
  • FTP to website – whoa – that calls back skills I haven’t used in a while!
  • Export as WordPress Plugin and activate in my own domain (from Distribute link – YES! Did this in under 10 minutes! and it seems to work – what do you think?

Thanks to @rockylou22 – Rochelle Lockridge, for modeling the Flipbook possibilities. Love it!

The Flipbook!


***the one thing I didn’t remember to do with this example was to add the sound file of the narration of the story….but I know that is possible and will work in the future! 

and of course – the video version – it is all about building from one thing to another!

Some Proud Moments

collaborative Project of #Burgeron106 summer of 2015.  I took on the editing and compilation of audio to video

Created by Rochelle Lockridge aka @RockyLou
Created by Rochelle Lockridge aka @RockyLou

Collaborative project of summer 2015 – #burgeron106 and prisoner106.
No acting part in this – but worked on finding sound files, and staying current with group to get things done.

Added to the mix a bumper and a commercial  One of the Gifs from the summer.

